15 Bottles of Overstocked Wines for only $6.99 Per Bottle with Free Shipping!

Let's face it, we need wine now as much as ever and we have vineyards who are ready to help. We've curated a special Vineyard Overstock offer, featuring unbelievable wines from some of the finest vineyards in the world. These wines range from about $17 to $30 in retail value which means we can promise that they include some real gems from our favorite vineyards and at greater savings than any other offer. You get 15 bottles—but no more than three of any one wine—red or mixed. You won’t know what they are until you open the box but the surprise will be a good one; we guarantee you will like them or you won’t pay for them!

Inventory Low - Sell out risk high


Retail Price $350 - SAVE $245.15!

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  • Great wines, great values, and fanatical customer service.
  • No auto shipping or middle of the night credit card charges.
  • We guarantee that you'll never pay for a wine you don’t like.

"We are now three generations in the wine business so I guess you could say it’s in our blood. After all that time, I still am excited by the opportunity to share great wine values with our customers. I am proud of what we have built but I also know that we are only as good as the last bottle. Thanks for giving us the chance to earn your trust."

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